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Leisure and Tourism

The railway network is a great way of exploring Oxfordshire's leisure and tourism opportunties. At Oxfordshire CRP (OxCRP) we are committed to helping both residents and visitors make the most of the access opportunities that the railway can provide. Because of our unique relationships with the railway industry, local transport authorities, bus operators and other transport providers, we can act as an honest broker to help make non-car journeys easier and more integrated. We also produce information about leisure opportunities available by train in Oxfordshire, as well as information to help travellers get the best value tickets. Our first projects in this area are detailed below, and we'll be adding more over time, so check back in regularly.


If you want to know more about any of these projects, or talk to us about opportunities to work together to promote non-car access to your visitor attraction, please drop us a line or fill out our contact form to get in touch.

Banbury canal trail, Rizzy in background (from LinkedIn).jpeg


Leisure Trail Leaflets

We are producing a series of leisure trail leaflets with suggested walks from key railway stations, supporting people to explore the county sustainably and get active. Downloadable copies are available from this website.


Cutting the cost of travel

Swapping leisure and tourism from car travel to a train is much easier if you know all the ways to get the best value train travel. Our "Cutting the cost of travel" leaflet has all the advice and is downloadable from this website.

Travel confidence leaflets (from LinkedIn).jpeg

Oxfordshire Community Rail Partnership

Part of GO Community Rail Partnership CIC

Company number: 12556197


A member of the Community Rail Network and proudly accredited.

24-25 Accredited part logo.png

© 2024 by Oxfordshire Community Rail Partnership  |  Privacy Policy

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